Soul Breakthrough










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God understands our struggles, insecurities and the pull our past has on us and our thinking and behavior.

Soul Breakthrough is a four-week class designed to help you walk in the healing you have received in Jesus, by bringing the Holy Spirit into your everyday life. 

In this class you will partner with the Holy Spirit in renewing your mind by changing old habits and ways of thinking, and instead, learn how to think and feel as a “new creation in Christ.”

“Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, all things are new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Through this teaching and homework:

You will learn how to invite the Holy Spirit into specific habits, and patterns of thinking and feeling that repeatedly hinder your everyday life.

The Holy Spirit will help you to change old ways of thinking and create new pathways in your brain and mind.

Soul Breakthrough is making a difference! 


I have received wonderful testimonies from people of all ages and backgrounds who have attended Soul Breakthrough classes. They have been reporting being deeply impacted and changed by the Holy Spirit as they applied this teaching to their everyday lives.

Many have been delivered from:

  • Anxiety
  • Chronic depression
  • PTSD
  • Marriage problems
  • Addictions and more issues

I pray that you, also, will be impacted by the Holy Spirit through this life-changing course.


Endorsements: Bethany Hicks, author of Own Your Assignment, Co-founder of Prophetic Company Global

We all have areas in our lives where we need breakthroughs of old mindsets, patterns and destructive behaviors that can and do affect our identity and destiny. Patricia Martin’s book, Soul Breakthrough, delivers powerful, yet practical tools on how to walk out sustainable breakthrough that will affect every arena of life. By inviting the Person of the Holy Spirit into your daily activities, you too can be the over-comer you’re called to be. I highly recommend this book and training for any person looking to live as the new creation God says they already are.

Eddie Piorek The Father Loves You

In Soul Breakthrough, our awareness of the transformational power of intimacy with the Holy Spirit is heightened. Through personal testimony, prophetic insight and very practical spiritual disciplines Patricia Martin guides the reader into experiencing God’s loving presence on a daily basis. This heartfelt book will change your life!

Soul Breakthrough is suitable for individual, group and church participation. Contact us below for more information.

Reviews for Soul Breakthrough Classes

Lisa W

January 3, 2024
This practice of Soul Breakthrough has really blessed me!  By inviting the Holy Spirit into my day, I have learned to partner with Him to take every negative thought captive and only focus on what is good and pleasing to Him.  This has resulted in a greater hunger for God in prayer all throughout my day.  I desire a deeper relationship with God now more so than ever before.
About 3 months ago I experienced a panic attack while driving on my way home from work.  This was totally unexpected and it frightened me.  I had to pull over and call my sister to have her come pick me up about 10 miles from my home.  I was left with a fear of driving as a result.  I couldn’t even go to the grocery store that is 2 miles away from my house because I felt it was too far away.  My life changed drastically as I am not used to crippling fear of something which was so much apart of my daily life.
The day I experienced the panic attack I had been very angry at something that happened in my past.  I had been thinking of this event for the past 2 years, but this particular day, I was very angry about it.  By practicing Soul Breakthrough and partnering with God, he has helped me to recognize when I start to slip into old patterns of thought and nudges me to pray and think on something positive.  The Lord has opened my heart and my eyes to all the positive things and loving relationships I have in my life now and I am grateful instead of angry.
I am now able to drive to that grocery store without getting nervous and I am still in the process of healing and will continue to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit for next steps.
Every believer should lift their hands every morning and invite God into their day.  This will practice will deepen your love for God and you will become sensitive to the Lord’s leading and you will be blessed!
 – Lisa

Michael Godshall

January 3, 2024

One of the first things shared at our Soul Breakthrough class in January was that there were people in that class that God wanted to set free of sleep issues. I’m excited to share that God has set me free from a 7 year battle with insomnia!

Throughout the class I was actually quite discouraged because I wasn’t sleeping well at all. In fact, January was one of the worst months of sleep I’ve had in a while. I appreciated that you and your team were persistent in praying for me and others with sleep issues week after week, but I was admittedly disappointed when the class ended and I hadn’t seen any improvement to my sleep. To make matters worse, I remember trying to sleep one night and I had these faint images flashing through my mind, caricatures of people laughing at me. It seemed like the enemy was taunting me because my sleep wasn’t improving and God wasn’t answering prayer.

Well, to my astonishment, in early February I started to notice a dramatic improvement to my sleep just a few days after the class ended! It was like a flip had switched – day after day I was either sleeping through the night or going back to sleep easily if I woke up! I wasn’t even taking any sleep supplements, so I became more and more confident that God had delivered me. After 2 weeks of consistent sleep, I started sharing my testimony with friends at church, but the next day I started to feel sick and my sleep was impacted for about a week. My sleep wasn’t as bad as before, but I started to wonder if God had truly delivered me from insomnia. I continued to press in with prayer, and as I recovered from being sick, I started sleeping consistently again and continue to sleep consistently today!

In addition to being ecstatic about deliverance from insomnia, we found the actual content of the class very helpful and practical to our daily lives. This process of inviting the Holy Spirit into our day and giving him permission to nudge us in areas of our life that we want to see change is so simple yet profound. I am so grateful that you offered this class via Zoom so that my wife and I could join! May God continue to bless you, your team, and your ministry as you serve others in the power of his Spirit.

Thank you!

Michael Godshall

Thomas & Kathrin Meano

September 15, 2022

Soul Breakthrough is an excellent, straightforward and anointed way to connect with The Holy Spirit of the Triune God, for any need we have in our lives.

Jeanne M

August 22, 2022

Jeanne M.

On a cold and rainy night in 1989, I went out to get my mail at midnight and slipped on the wet stairs, taking a flying leap and landing full-body on my back on the cement. The injuries I incurred were devastating. Brain damage, whiplash, a concussion that went up from the back of my neck into my brain, back/neck/nerve damage, left knee and foot, which brought on the prognosis that I would never walk again. I wore a neck brace, walked using crutches, and was in a wheelchair. After attending the Thursday morning healing services at Melodyland Christian Center for 7 months, God healed me. On that day, I walked on my crutches and walked out holding my crutches!

After the physical healing, I continued suffering from a form of PTSD due to the trauma. I didn’t realize how pervasive it was until I was healed in the Soul Breakthrough class. The healing prayers of the small group that prayed for me supported what Holy Spirit was doing in my brain and emotions. After 30 years of pain, grief and trauma, worry and anxiety, I was healed! Many other issues and problems have been tied to that fall, and last night, I was set free. Tears of gratitude are falling down my cheeks as I write this. I asked God, “Why did this healing take place last night after 30 years? He responded, “I knew I was welcome there.” Thank you for creating a place where my Best Friend feels welcome.

Amy Wickstrom

August 4, 2022

I want to share the deliverance I received from the Lord during Soul Breakthrough 2018. To understand the significance of it, you first have to understand the hell I went through a few years prior.

For three and a half to four years, I suffered from severe insomnia. It began when my second child was 5.5 months old and began sleeping at night. I expected to start getting some sleep myself, but I couldn’t fall asleep at night. It progressed over the months, getting worse and worse. Over the next few years, I got around 3 or 4 hours of sleep each night and was unable to fall asleep and seldom did so before 3 am. Once asleep, the sleep I got was tortuous.

I had two small children and I was living on fumes. I would often ask my husband to pray for me at night, and I’d lay on the couch when everyone was sleeping and listen to worship music. I often dreaded the day ahead because of sheer exhaustion. I could no longer function, but it would not relent and it seemed there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I saw doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths, and other professionals. They would diagnose and treat me effectively for a few weeks and then their treatments stopped working. I tried having a drink of wine, doing yoga, prayer or anything else that could help me fall asleep. I even worked with a prayer counselor who, though well-meaning, suggested I was in sin over something because God gives sleep to those he loves (Psalm 127:2).

Night time became terror for me. I remember one time I awoke in the middle of the night to my leg literally being lifted off the bed by an invisible presence as I rolled over. I was terrified and lay frozen. On one occasion when my husband was fasting for me, he saw a demon locked up in a cage at the foot of our bed who was tormenting me. He also saw two angels in our room monitoring the demon.

I have been a Christian since I was in elementary school, and I’ve walked closely with Him since my conversion, but nothing became more important to me during this time of torment than hearing the voice of God. I cried out to the Lord to hear Him, and I wanted to know His voice. I got to the point in my suffering where I surrendered myself to this condition (insomnia) and knew God could deliver me from it, but I also knew He may choose not to. I “died” in that place… many times.

After about three years, the Holy Spirit led me to Galatians 3:3, where He suggested my insomnia was Spirit-led and would stop at His appointed time. He later spoke to me at Forest Home Christian Camp through Luke 8:48 (“Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”), where He impressed upon me that I would be healed because of my faith. I felt like Abraham, who knew he had received a promise from God but was not living in its fulfillment yet. I was also very afraid that I may have heard God’s voice wrong, and to spare myself of the disappointment of the promise going unfulfilled, I struggled to fully believe the words He had spoken that I would be healed.

One night Jesus spoke to me and He gave me Psalm 118:18 (“The Lord has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death”). I knew in that moment that God had allowed me to suffer with this sleep disorder for some kind of gain. That evening God also allowed me to experience His love in a way I had never before, and I felt intimately close to Him. I believed He was going to remove the torment from me, though my faith was small because my suffering at that time was still so great.

During this time, He also revealed that I would suffer from what I called my “sleep disorder” for three and a half to four years. I did the math to figure out when 3.75 years would be complete. It would be the end of May, 2015. One night I felt God asked me to stay up all night and that the glory of the Lord would pass by. My spirit was so worn by sleep loss and hope deferred that I chose to go to bed in the wee hours of the morning. I awoke the next day and apologized to the Lord for going to sleep when He had promised something so beautiful, and I asked Him for a second chance. He ministered to me that day with the story of Abraham falling into a deep sleep and the Lords presence passing by him as he slept (Gen. 15: 12, 17). The following night I promised I would stay up all night, and I did. I felt a calm presence sweep my living room that night around 4 am, and there was a mysterious light in the creek behind my house. My husband woke up and we prayed together, and then I went to sleep. My sleep disorder was broken that night, and I was delivered.
In the days ahead, the Lord told me my sleep disorder would never happen to me again. It was over forever.

Though my sleep disorder was gone, my fear was not. I had become so afraid of falling asleep. I slept with ear plugs, sound makers, etc, and I was often afraid of not being able to fall asleep. If something interfered with my sleep, or if I had a difficult night sleeping for some reason, my heart would start racing and I would become highly anxious and fearful. This fear became part of my daily life, so much that I couldn’t really imagine my life with freedom from it.

One night last summer (2018), the Lord impressed upon me that He wanted to heal me from my fear of sleep. This came out of nowhere. I couldn’t imagine such a thing, but I knew Soul Breakthrough was starting about a week later and wondered if maybe He was going to use it to heal me. The oppression began as soon as the class started, and heightened each week until the end. I began to feel I was drowning in fear and difficulty at night. By the last week of the class, I had experienced several nights of horrible sleep and my fears were through the roof. However, in the class meetings, the Holy Spirit continued to minister to me in such obvious ways. The spirit of fear was called out, as well as PTSD and difficulties at night. Each week He met with me.

I felt as though the Lord would have to carry me across the finish line of the class, and He did. The last day of the class came and went, and I noticed my fear had lifted. Indeed, I was free from fear at night. I was too nervous to say anything aloud to anyone, so I quietly waited a few weeks until I was confident it was really truly gone. Weeks passed, and my fear is gone!

I don’t think I will ever fully understand why the Lord allowed this to happen to me. I imagine He had several purposes. Ultimately He brought me into a community (Vineyard) who would encourage rather than condemn my experiences with the Lord. My husband is on the same journey and the Lord is doing awesome things in and through Him. I’m excited by the thought of growing together with believers in the spiritual gifts He has bestowed upon us.

Terrie Kouns

July 22, 2022

I was diagnosed with MS several years ago requiring frequent M.R.I.s of my brain. My head needs to be secured down with a cage-like device. Being claustrophobic I always have I.V. medication administered to get me through the procedure.
The very first Soul Breakthrough class Patricia did I decided to attend, which proved to be life changing for me! Right after the class, I was scheduled for an M.R.I. but the test had been mistakenly set on a day that the doctor was not there to administer medication. In a state of panic I got in my car and began to drive. Doing what I had learned in class, I spoke in tongues at every light and threw my hands up proclaiming, “Father God consume me! Fill every part of me, let every cell in my body be filled with Your presence, with Your peace!” The light would change and I would do it all over again. When I walked into my appointment, I was strangely aware that I felt settled, at peace. The panic seemed gone! I looked into the room at the M.R.I. machine-I WAS STILL AT PEACE! Even as they placed the cage-like device over my head I remained in PEACE! Throughout the test I remained at rest with God. This was a truly defining moment for me, the panic was gone. But the most profound part is that this peaceful victory has remained with me during every M.R.I. since.

JoAnn Lickel

July 17, 2022

Soul Breakthrough helped me first of all establish a more intimate, ongoing connection with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The major issue in my life was over-reaction to someone in my life who often seemed to trigger my pain and the worst in me. Turning to Daddy God, raising my arms in surrender and asking Him to fill me made all the difference! I soon found myself reacting differently; love started to flow and compassion as I began to see the other person through the merciful, loving eyes of a Loving Father and His beautiful Son, Jesus. The Comforter was also able to bring me peace! It has continued to help me grow and feel more deeply embraced by the love of the Father, Jesus and the guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit!

Diane Millar

July 12, 2022

Going through Soul Breakthrough has prompted me to invite the Holy Spirit to change my “old ways of thinking” by lifting my hands up towards Heaven and inviting the Holy Spirit to renew my mind. I then invite the Lord into my mind and my heart to help me think as He would. My heart’s desire is to see through the Lord’s eyes so my heart can change and become more like Him. This class has been motivating and inspiring. Patricia is an amazing teacher. I have been blessed by Soul Breakthrough.

Steve Albright

June 14, 2022

Wow the reviews are uplifting and express a sense of freedom love and bold faith! THANK You Lord! Leaving the old ways, embracing the Lord, Holy Spirit breaking through the soul to release His Love Power and Glory
“These are the sounds of the Kingdom” ;–)

Cheryl Thomas

June 10, 2022

Soul breakthrough is an amazing God ordained program that will help you to exercise your freedom in the Lord! You will move forward by practice in your response and beliefs by turning to the Lord to get past the obstacles and old ways of responding. Freedom is yours to fulfill God’s dream for your life!

Trish Stanton

September 9, 2021

Going through Soul Breakthrough class has given me more Peace over situations that don’t need me to fret over . You can give it over to The Holy Spirit knowing he’s always with you . In turn you can be given great passion in your heart for the Body of Christ and Family members. There is no perfect life till we meet Jesus ♥️.

Amy Wickstrom

September 3, 2021

I have known Patricia Martin for the past two years and the Lord has used her in wonderful ways to release healing through this ministry. God healed me of PTSD in this class. May God bless, heal, and deliver all who call on His name through Patricia’s Soul Breakthrough!

Dawn Sin

September 3, 2021

I agree with the review that said this workbook was “simple yet powerful”. It is true! You will experience the Holy Spirit prompt you whenever you are entertaining a negative thought or emotion. We need the Holy Spirit to make us aware because we don’t even know when we are doing it. We have become so familiar with our own negative thought patterns that they just seem normal to us. The process seems so simple you may doubt, as I did, that this would work. I now believe that if you give the Holy Spirit permission to make you aware, He will do it!!!

Candy Edman

September 3, 2021

If you are looking for a way to receive freedom from your past! Then this is the book for you. It brings not only freedom, but also a deeper walk in intimacy with God! So that you can receive healing In the areas that you have already received in Christ Jesus, and boldly walk in your promised land. It’s truly a experience of peace that brings you a enlightenment of how much Jesus did for us, and has set us free.

Gabrielle Gazzel

September 3, 2021

Life changing book, a must read!
Besides the Bible this was honestly one of the best life changing books I have ever read.
I had a very difficult situation for 50 years that I could not over come and by following the instructions in this book my problem absolutely dissolved. I had thought it was impossible.
I use these steps presented on Patricia’s book for every difficult situation in my life now and am seeing victory after victory.
I can not recommend this book enough. it is a must read.

Laurie-Jeanne Lister

July 20, 2020

As a Music Professor two words I know well are “practice” and “patience.” Funny how I can teach that, yet not always see when I need it in my own life. My walk with the Holy Spirit has truly involved some remarkable miracles both in terms of physical healing and financial provision. But it is so easy (as with music) to fall into a rut of familiarity without even noticing it happening. Patricia Martin’s course, Soul Breakthrough, has popped me out of that rut. Indeed, I do need more “practice” when it comes to hearing God. I can’t hear if I don’t listen and Patricia’s daily exercises have helped me fine-tune my listening skills. The result is much more than my ability to hear God sooner now: it has changed my approach to the ups and downs of life, even unexpected emergencies. I am only 2 weeks in and I see a remarkable change, so I am more than excited to see how I continue to progress. Thank you, Patricia!

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“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3:12-14
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