Soul Breakthrough
God understands our struggles, insecurities and the pull our past has on us and our thinking and behavior.
Soul Breakthrough is a four-week class designed to help you walk in the healing you have received in Jesus, by bringing the Holy Spirit into your everyday life.
In this class you will partner with the Holy Spirit in renewing your mind by changing old habits and ways of thinking, and instead, learn how to think and feel as a “new creation in Christ.”
“Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, all things are new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Through this teaching and homework:
You will learn how to invite the Holy Spirit into specific habits, and patterns of thinking and feeling that repeatedly hinder your everyday life.
The Holy Spirit will help you to change old ways of thinking and create new pathways in your brain and mind.
Soul Breakthrough is making a difference!
I have received wonderful testimonies from people of all ages and backgrounds who have attended Soul Breakthrough classes. They have been reporting being deeply impacted and changed by the Holy Spirit as they applied this teaching to their everyday lives.
Many have been delivered from:
- Anxiety
- Chronic depression
- Marriage problems
- Addictions and more issues
I pray that you, also, will be impacted by the Holy Spirit through this life-changing course.
Endorsements: Bethany Hicks, author of Own Your Assignment, Co-founder of Prophetic Company Global
We all have areas in our lives where we need breakthroughs of old mindsets, patterns and destructive behaviors that can and do affect our identity and destiny. Patricia Martin’s book, Soul Breakthrough, delivers powerful, yet practical tools on how to walk out sustainable breakthrough that will affect every arena of life. By inviting the Person of the Holy Spirit into your daily activities, you too can be the over-comer you’re called to be. I highly recommend this book and training for any person looking to live as the new creation God says they already are.
Eddie Piorek The Father Loves You
In Soul Breakthrough, our awareness of the transformational power of intimacy with the Holy Spirit is heightened. Through personal testimony, prophetic insight and very practical spiritual disciplines Patricia Martin guides the reader into experiencing God’s loving presence on a daily basis. This heartfelt book will change your life!
Soul Breakthrough is suitable for individual, group and church participation. Contact us below for more information.