The Old Tree Series

Both the young and young at heart will enjoy reading these fantasy adventures stories.

After raising her own child, Tricia Martin now desires to impact the hearts of children with her fantasy adventures involving a loving, kind, and powerful God who transforms the lives of all that come into contact with Him.

She has a passion to see children introduced to wholesome reading and believes books feed the mind the way food feeds the body. These books reveal the loving, fun, and joyful side of God and the reader joins in transforming lands and kingdoms that have been ravaged by the enemy. The reader will fly into space, swim down to an underwater kingdom, travel to the Wild West, visit an oasis in a desert, and enjoy many other adventures.

Each book has educational aspects that parents or grand-parents can study with their children. For example, in preparing for the final book, One for All and All for One, Tricia studied the childhood of Abraham Lincoln in order to be accurate concerning his early years. He really loved books, and even though they were scarce in his area, he eagerly read each one he found, over and over again, from cover to cover, until it was worn and threadbare. The educational suggestions for each book are listed at the bottom of the page.

These books are also sold at home-school conventions. Tricia has a Master of Arts in Counseling and belongs to the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, SCBWI. The educational reading age is advanced five-year-olds up to eleven-year-olds.

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